Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Little Helpers

Blake is 8 weeks old now and in the last 8 weeks I have watched Brandt and Campbell grow up so much. They stand ready to get his binkie, his blanket, his burp cloth, anything I might need. They are happy to go get water for mommy or answer the phone if I am feeding Blake.
Yesterday Campbell, Blake and I went to the grocery store and were running short on time when we got home. I put away the cold stuff and left everything else scattered across the kitchen floor while we rushed out the door to go get in the carpool line. When we got home I had to feed Blake before I could do anything else. While I was feeding him, Campbell said "I will help you Mommy, I will do the groceries." Our usual routine is that I put away the groceries and Campbell gathers up the bags and puts them in the pantry. She proceeded to unpack all the remaining groceries, put them in the pantry, pick up all the bags and put them away. She is so big!

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