Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home

After eight days we are finally home! Brandt was discharged this morning. He is fever free, the drainage from his neck is clear and his appetite is returning. He started oral antibiotics last night and is managing to swallow the capsules. One dose of the horrible tasting liquid was enough to convince him that a capsule was not so bad. We have a follow up appointment tomorrow with the ENT to check his incision and change the dressing and then we will follow up with our pediatrician on Friday. We are definitely on the downhill side!
Thank you again to all you for all of your thoughts, prayers, calls, messages, emails and texts. I know that I have not returned them all, but we appreciate them all so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are home...and I know you are so glad to have your family all under one roof again! Take care...we send our love to you all!