He also got 3 shots, which he handled pretty well until we got home. He has started running a fever and is pretty cranky, but it should all pass in the next 24 hours.
He is starting to smile and talk. He looks for you if you talk to him and likes to hold your shirt while you hold him. He is super strong and stands while you burp him and holds head up and looks around. He had the longest eyelashes and we think he is just adorable.
He is sleeping better at night, with one long 4-5 hour stretch and then back to the 2-3 hour routine. At this point, I'll take it! He takes a long nap during the day too, but prefers to sleep in the swing, just like Brandt. At night he still sleeps in our room. I know, suckers! Brandt slept with us for one night and Campbell never spent a single night in our room. We thought they made too much noise in their sleep. So we let the grunter sleep with us for two months. Oh well, he's the last one, what can I say? They are only little once right?
Blaka Blaka eggs and baca'
So sweet! Looking at these sweet pictures makes me want to have another one!!
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