Monday, June 22, 2009

Brandt Update

For those of you we have not called, emailed or texted, Brandt has been in the hospital since Saturday day night. He woke up at 2 am on Saturday morning crying with a stiff neck that was swollen on one side and 101 fever. Will took him to the ER and they said it was a swollen lymph node. They got home around 6 am. He rested most of the day, but was still not feeling well. By late afternoon, his fever was higher, the swelling was worse and he could not move his neck. I took him back to the ER and they admitted him. Sunday we saw the on call pediatrician for our group and a pediatric infectious disease specialist. They ran several blood tests, a strep test and countless other tests. All the tests have come back negative and the infectious disease specialist feels it is a strain of staph.
He is on IV antibiotics and should be switching to the oral version tonight or tomorrow morning. He needs to respond to the oral version as well as the IV version and his fever has to stop spiking up in order for him to be released. He also has to drink plenty of fluids. He had a saline IV and was not drinking, so they stopped the IV.
All of that said, he may get to go home on Tuesday, Wednesday if his fever does not improve. He has been very brave through everything. Very little crying, no complaining, taking the needles like a champ. I'll post an update when we know more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michele...I am so sorry to hear about Brandt. We will add him to our prayer list. So glad to hear he is such a strong little fighter! I know that makes you proud as a mom...We will be glad to help you in any way if you need to get out and to do anything! I am home and can come over if you need me to! Hang in there and let us know if we can help!