Friday, June 19, 2009

Hamstie, the Stunk and Making Three

Campbell seems to be getting an unfair amount of blog time lately, but she is saying and doing so many funny things that I just don't want to forget any of them.
Her latest toy fascination is Littlest Pet Shop, also sometimes known as Littlest Kittiest Pet Shop. I used them as bribes to potty train her, she got them for Easter, she asks for them every time we pass Toys R Us. If you are not familiar with these, they are plastic bobble headed little animals that sort of resemble actual animals, in a cartoon way.
Last week at her ballet rehearsal, she was a little skeptical about the whole process and needed a little incentive. It was a little intimidating since we were in a new place, in her new costume and they took the girls at the door to go backstage - no parents allowed. I promised her that if she did a great job, we would go get a new Littlest Pet Shop afterwards. When we went to get it, she picked out the skunk. Later that night she had all her animals spread out and was introducing the "stunk" to everyone, including her favorite, the hamster, which she calls Hamstie. Hamstie and the stunk are now best friends. She also warned Daddy to watch out or the stunk would stunk on him.
Here is Hamstie. The stunk is currently hiding.

She has also been practicing making three, in her own Campbell way...

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