Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God's Magic Wand

Campbell is our most curious child. She questions everything, asks why, why why? and is never satisfied with the first explanation. When she asks questions, I try to start with the simplest answer and expand if she needs more information.
Over the weekend we were in the car and she asked if the sun was in Heaven. She had several more questions about what else was in Heaven and what I thought Samantha (our kitty) and Eddie (Oom Pete's Dog) might be doing. Then she asked how you got to Heaven and she meant physically. This question I did not have an answer for and God takes you there did not satisfy her. She got really quiet for a minute and then said "I guess He use his magic wand". Why didn't I think of that? We tell her that God can do anything, so he must have a magic wand. I love life through the eyes of a three year old.

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