Sunday, August 19, 2012

Five Chickens

Once upon a time I started this blog to chronicle the things we were doing, the crazy things my kids did and as way to keep up to date with our out of town friends and family.  I started out really, really well.  the kids provided plenty of material and we were always doing something I could write about or post a picture of.  Then I got lazy and we got really busy and I didn't post anything for over a year.  I knew I was going to be really mad at myself for not recording all the silly things Blake was saying and doing.  He is such a little ham and he cracks me up on a daily basis. 

A couple of days ago Will and Blake were playing dinosaurs and the dinos were having a picnic.  Blake's dinosaur brought brownies and corn.  Will's brought fried chicken, cole slaw and mashed potatoes.  Yesterday when they had a picnic, Blake's dinosaur brought brownies, cold slaw and "five chickens".   Five chickens will now be the way we refer to fried chicken in our house. 
Thanks to the Olympics the dinosaurs usually have a diving contest after the picnic.  T Rex usually wins, even though I am not sure how he swims with those tiny arms.  Tonight they hugged afterwards and went home because their mommies missed them.

1 comment:

mazincke said...

You are an amazing daughter, mother and wife. No surprise your life has been a busy one over the past year. I have no idea how you do all the things you do in one day with 3 children. Enjoyed the story and look forward to more. Love you ~