Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer - Day 1

Today was Campbell's first day of summer.  She finished preK yesterday and I woke up with that feeling of dread this morning.  That question every mother is asking right now.  What are we going to do this summer?  If you ask her, she is going to swim, do crafts and have sleepovers with her BFF, Brooklyn.  She doesn't want to go to any camps, she doesn't want to sign up for anything, she is only going to swim, craft and have sleepovers. 
Today was Coloring Camp.  She literally colored for 6 hours.  I was doing a few things around the house and she was busy with a Dora coloring book, so did not bother her.  Later Blake was still not back to feeling 100% and needed a little snuggle time while we watched Max and Ruby.  She kept coloring.  She took a little break for lunch and went right back to coloring.  We got dressed for our last dance class and she colored until it was time to leave.  We are home from dance and that book is full.  She is now upstairs searching for another book to start coloring.
One day down.  How many more until August 22?

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