Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How To Get Married

Campbell loves to talk about weddings.  After all, doesn't every princess marry the prince and live happily ever after?  She asks about the dress, the dinner, the cake, the dance  (I guess it doesn't help that I love to watch Say Yes To The Dress and Amazing Wedding Cakes).  At least once a month I have to unzip my wedding dress bag and show her my dress.  One day I may actually take it out and let her put it on.  She even has a "marry dress" on her Christmas list  (yes, we are making them already). 
Not surprisingly, we were talking about weddings today in the car.  Brandt announced that when he got married, he would go to a restaurant, find a lady who was sitting alone, ask her if she was married and if she said no, then he would get out a ring box with a ring and say "Would you marry me?"  While I was debating whether or not to explain stalking to him and when it is appropriate to approach to strangers sitting alone, I was also trying to figure out where to steer this conversation.  Did I really want to bring up the creepy lurker who always hangs out by the bar?
I explained to him that he would probably want to marry someone that was his girlfriend and someone that he had known for a while.  The look on his face told me that he thought I was nuts.  I tried to explain that one day he really would want to have a girlfriend and that he would like girls.  He still looked at me like I was from Mars. 
I can't wait to remind him of this story in a few years!

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