Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Campbell Goes Back to School

Today was Campbell's first day of PreK.  She has been so excited to start school and has been asking every day since Brandt started "How many more days?"  Last week I went to meet her teacher and find out who was going to be in her class.  There are two boys from her three year old class and a girl from her dance class.  I knew that she was going to be so excited.  Saturday she told me that she did not want to go to school and I started to dread today.  We got up, got Brandt off to school and went back home to get ready.  She was excited to get dressed and ready and even asked me to paint her toes for her red sandals.  She packed her bunny into her sparkly backpack and double checked what I had packed into her lunchbox.  She posed for pictures and bounced out the door and into the car and I thought we were going to be fine. 
Then we got to school.  She wouldn't unbuckle her car seat, she wouldn't get out of the car.  We got inside and she sat down on the gym floor and started to cry which quickly turned into screaming.  She had friends and teachers coming to talk to her and she would not budge.  Blake was happily running all over the gym.  I finally took her lunch into the classroom, carried her in and left her.  Patty (the director) never called me during the day, so I new she was fine.
When I went to pick her up she was smiling and laughing.  Ms. Erin said she was fine two minutes after I left (I knew she would be).  She will tell you she had a great day.  She even has homework that she is super excited to do tomorrow and take back on Thursday.

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