Thursday, April 22, 2010

Define Your Chaos

Last week I was at the doctor for a routine visit and he asked how I was adjusting to life with three kids. I get this question a lot and I am never sure how to answer it. It is more than two, for sure and it is harder than two. What do people expect as an answer? After we talked a little more he asked if I felt like I was handling things okay and then asked if I would rate my everyday life as completely in control, moderately wild or completely chaotic. My response was "As compared to what? Life with two kids or other people's lives?" I told him that I thought it was pretty well under control. He laughed and said he had three boys, so I guess it is all relative.
Later that week we were home from school and I was loading the dishwasher. I looked up and Brandt was playing his DS on the sofa, upside down. His head was hanging off and his feet were on the pillow where his head should have been. Campbell was riding her bike, yes in house, in a dress and rainboots, but with a helmet, in circles around the table and singing. Blake was not throwing the silverware out of the dishwasher or trying to climb in, which is why I looked up in the first place. He was sitting under the table eating a snack that I had not given him. It was leftover, probably from diner the night before - who knows what it was. He has a very good immune system. No one was watching TV, but thanks to Blake it was on the Spanish channel and no one had even noticed. Yeah, I have it all under control - no chaos in this house.

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