On Tuesday he had his one year checkup. He got four shots, which was not so fun, got his vision checked, which was perfect and got an overall good report from the doctor. He is eating all big boy food now and will have nothing to do with baby food. He drinks whole milk and only gets a bottle when he goes to sleep. He got boy sippy cups for his birthday, so now he drinks his juice from cups with cars on them instead of teapots! He pulls up on everything and is strating to cruise along the furniture. He prefers to step sideways and will take quite a few steps as long as he is holding on. He has almost stopped biting, but loves to spit and blow bubbles. He is doing better and better playing by himself with his toys and loves his new big ball. He also is doing better sleeping and has slept in his bed all night several nights this week - we'll see if it lasts!
Here are his stats from the doctor:
Weight: 22 pounds, 9 ounces - 50th percentile
Height: 29 3/4" - 50th percentile
Head: 18 1/2" - 60th percentile
Comparatively, here are Brandt and Campbell's:
Weight: 23 pounds, 4 ounces - 60th percentile
Height: 30 1/4" - 65th percentile
Head: 20" - >95th percentile
Weight: 23 pounds, 2 ounces - 80th percentile
Height: 31" - >95th percentile
Head: 18 3/4" - >95th percentile
And yes, I know I am WAY behind! We had Spring Break, Easter, another snow storm and a ton of cute stories that I need to share. I will get caught up! I have tons more party pictures too!
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