She went right in and was excited to see her classroom. She was thrilled to see the dollhouse and immediately asked if she could play with it. She was annoyed that I wanted to take pictures and was taking away from her playtime. A couple of kids were crying and she just looked at them. She was fine with me leaving and happily gave me a kiss and waved bye. I think she is going to have a great day and is going to love this school.
She did tell me in the car this morning that she is not going to raise her hand because she is going to be the queen and so she doesn't have to. Miss Peggy may be in for a bit of a challenge.
The real fun started after I left her in her class and put Blake in the car. I put him in the back seat, put my bag (and keys and phone) in the front and closed the doors. As I walked around the car to get in, I heard click, click and knew it was the doors locking. Luckily it was only about 70 this morning, so I ran back to the directors office and had her call 911. By the time I got back to the parking lot, the Fire Department was already there. They started trying to get the door open and calling OnStar at the same time. Within five minutes OnStar had the doors open and Blake was fine, mad with sweaty feet, but fine. He started laughing as soon as I talked to him. It was quite an exciting morning for us. Right now I am loving OnStar and a few of Frisco's finest!

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