No, Brandt has not taken a sudden interest in girls. It seems that the first grade girls however, are suddenly noticing the boys. Last night we went to Chick Fil A for Spirit Night. Because it was so crowded, I sat the kids at a table and went to wait in the very long line. After a couple of minutes I noticed a little girl had joined our table and was talking to Brandt. She had not just joined the table, she was sitting on it, swinging her legs and trying her best to toss her cute blonde bob over her shoulder. Another couple of minutes and she was helping Brandt take care of Blake, who was getting a little fussy. When I finally got to the table, she was very friendly. She introduced herself and offered to stay and help take care of Blake. I asked if she was in Brandt's class and got this response - "No, I just know him from school. I see him, you know, around." Yeah, I was starting to get the picture. Although she patiently waited for him, unfortunately before we finished eating, Kaylie had to leave and they never got to play together.
A few minutes later another little girl walked in and B waved to her. Her mom got in line and I noticed her walking by our table once, no twice, no doing laps around the restaurant. She never actually looked at us when she walked by, she just did a weird look out the corner of her eye thing as she passed. Sometimes she would sort of stop and stretch or look over her shoulder right before she got to the table. This is a move I know. Her technique however, is going to need some work. Not bad for a six year old, but she is going to have to practice.
And through it all B was totally oblivious, eating chicken and trying to figure out how to get me to buy him ice cream. Why do we waste our time?
Then again, who wouldn't love this face?
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