Tonight while I was feeding Blake, Brandt and Campbell were playing on the stairs. They were sending each other text messages between Princess and Little Mermaid phones that went sort of like this: one would read out loud what they were "texting" and then push a button to send. The other would flip open their phone and read "text" a response. Then Campbell called Brandt and the conversation went like this:
"Hi, this is Campbell. Do you want to go on a date with me?"
Brandt said "No thank you. I don't think so." Campbell said "Okay, maybe another day. Bye." and hung up.
First of all, did I miss something on Kai Lan today because I know Dora is not going on dates. I knew that Ruby and Valerie were a bad influence, what with Max and Ruby not having any parents, but I didn't think Ruby was dating yet!
Seriously, where does she learn this stuff? Where has she even heard of going on a date? And asking someone to go out on a date? I really do monitor what they watch on TV! Then SHE calls and asks HIM out - I have a bad feeling about our future. She wasn't even upset when he said no. She is going to be trouble.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ahoy Matey!
Today while we were driving to Flip Flop Class (Campbell's tumbling class at the rec center), she decided we were going to play pirate. She told me to say it with her now(a phrase she has learned at school) and broke out into full pirate speak with words I didn't even know she knew. Say it with me now "Arrrr" and now say it backwards "Raaaa". "Walk the plank matey" and "Arrrr matey". I had to tell her that I couldn't play anymore because I had to pay attention to driving and bite my tongue to keep from laughing. It went on for a good ten minutes by herself in full pirate speak with every pirate phrase you can imagine. Were does she learn this stuff?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
When I Grow Up
This week at school has been college week for Brandt and they have been talking about what they want to do when they grow up. He came home yesterday and told me that when he grows up he wants to be a Kindergarten teacher. He had such a great teacher last year, I am sure she was a big influence on this decision.
Campbell heard this and said "Mommy I know what I want to be when I grow up". I couldn't wait to hear this answer. Her response - "A princess", of course.
Campbell heard this and said "Mommy I know what I want to be when I grow up". I couldn't wait to hear this answer. Her response - "A princess", of course.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Taco Town
No, it's not the newest great Mexican restaurant in Frisco. It's a silly Saturday Night Live skit that our kids think is the funniest thing since Sponge Bob. No, we don't let the kids stay up and watch SNL. We don't even make it up to watch SNL anymore. We do watch ridiculous videos on HULU and occasionally let our kids watch them too. If you missed SNL or you no longer stay up past 10:00 pm like me, you can watch Taco Town here.
Awesomer, huh?
Campbell keeps asking when we are going to dinner there.
Awesomer, huh?
Campbell keeps asking when we are going to dinner there.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Problem With Friends
Campbell has lots of imaginary friends, one BFF and now she has 9 new school friends. Her imaginary friends spend lots of time in her room with her, play whatever she wants and do everything she tells them. Brooklyn, her BFF, is in her dance class, loves to come over and play, giggles with her and they are like two peas in a pod. She is quickly finding out that when you start to make other friends, not everyone is just like you and not everyone does what you want them to.
The problem seems to be that her teacher's name is Miss Peggy, which she knows and calls her. Several kids in the class however, are calling her 'Teacher' and Campbell is not happy about this. She has told them her name is Miss Peggy, not Teacher, but they don't listen. She tells them everyday, but they still don't listen. "They just won't do what I tell them."
In case you were wondering, her note said she was VERY helpful, friendly and happy today. Very was handwritten in. I am waiting for the day I get TOO helpful on her note. My fearless little leader - lead on.
The problem seems to be that her teacher's name is Miss Peggy, which she knows and calls her. Several kids in the class however, are calling her 'Teacher' and Campbell is not happy about this. She has told them her name is Miss Peggy, not Teacher, but they don't listen. She tells them everyday, but they still don't listen. "They just won't do what I tell them."
In case you were wondering, her note said she was VERY helpful, friendly and happy today. Very was handwritten in. I am waiting for the day I get TOO helpful on her note. My fearless little leader - lead on.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Brandt and the Girls Sitting In A Tree...
No, Brandt has not taken a sudden interest in girls. It seems that the first grade girls however, are suddenly noticing the boys. Last night we went to Chick Fil A for Spirit Night. Because it was so crowded, I sat the kids at a table and went to wait in the very long line. After a couple of minutes I noticed a little girl had joined our table and was talking to Brandt. She had not just joined the table, she was sitting on it, swinging her legs and trying her best to toss her cute blonde bob over her shoulder. Another couple of minutes and she was helping Brandt take care of Blake, who was getting a little fussy. When I finally got to the table, she was very friendly. She introduced herself and offered to stay and help take care of Blake. I asked if she was in Brandt's class and got this response - "No, I just know him from school. I see him, you know, around." Yeah, I was starting to get the picture. Although she patiently waited for him, unfortunately before we finished eating, Kaylie had to leave and they never got to play together.
A few minutes later another little girl walked in and B waved to her. Her mom got in line and I noticed her walking by our table once, no twice, no doing laps around the restaurant. She never actually looked at us when she walked by, she just did a weird look out the corner of her eye thing as she passed. Sometimes she would sort of stop and stretch or look over her shoulder right before she got to the table. This is a move I know. Her technique however, is going to need some work. Not bad for a six year old, but she is going to have to practice.
And through it all B was totally oblivious, eating chicken and trying to figure out how to get me to buy him ice cream. Why do we waste our time?
Then again, who wouldn't love this face?
A few minutes later another little girl walked in and B waved to her. Her mom got in line and I noticed her walking by our table once, no twice, no doing laps around the restaurant. She never actually looked at us when she walked by, she just did a weird look out the corner of her eye thing as she passed. Sometimes she would sort of stop and stretch or look over her shoulder right before she got to the table. This is a move I know. Her technique however, is going to need some work. Not bad for a six year old, but she is going to have to practice.
And through it all B was totally oblivious, eating chicken and trying to figure out how to get me to buy him ice cream. Why do we waste our time?
Then again, who wouldn't love this face?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I Can Do It
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Walking Wednesday
The first Wednesday of every month Pink goes green. We leave our cars and walk to school. Teachers come out to designated meeting points and we all go together. They count how many students from each grade level walk and there is a trophy that grade gets to keep for the month - "The Golden Shoe".
Last year I think that we made it to all but the April walk (we were in the hospital with Blake). This year we are off to a good start. If you live in the area, plan ahead - it takes quite a while for all those kids to cross the street and think more than a few people were surprised at how long the crossing guard made them stop today!
Last year I think that we made it to all but the April walk (we were in the hospital with Blake). This year we are off to a good start. If you live in the area, plan ahead - it takes quite a while for all those kids to cross the street and think more than a few people were surprised at how long the crossing guard made them stop today!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
And So It Starts
Every year about this time always seems to start the same. It's college football time, they are starting to advertise the State Fair on tv, Halloween costumes are starting to show up in stores. The pumpkin patches will open soon and before the costumes and pumpkins and gone and we can even think about eating our turkeys, the Christmas decorations will fill the stores. I think that Brandt started to make his Christmas list in April, maybe March.
I do like Christmas. I love putting up the tree, remembering each ornament. Some I have had since I was a little girl and some are just a couple of years old, bought for our kids to celebrate each of their Christmases. No matter how hard I try I always wind up running around a couple of days before Christmas, buying the last couple of things. Every year I vow that this will be the year I will not do that. So today I broke down and bought two gifts. Two little things for Blake. Most of his toys have already been through two kids, so a couple of new things for his first Christmas seemed in order. They are safely tucked in my favorite hiding place - the closet under the stairs. The kids won't go in there because it doesn't have a light and Will hates it because I throw everything in there and don't keep in organized. It's really a great hiding place. So once again I vow, I will finish my shopping early, I will finish my shopping early, but not before I eat my turkey.
I do like Christmas. I love putting up the tree, remembering each ornament. Some I have had since I was a little girl and some are just a couple of years old, bought for our kids to celebrate each of their Christmases. No matter how hard I try I always wind up running around a couple of days before Christmas, buying the last couple of things. Every year I vow that this will be the year I will not do that. So today I broke down and bought two gifts. Two little things for Blake. Most of his toys have already been through two kids, so a couple of new things for his first Christmas seemed in order. They are safely tucked in my favorite hiding place - the closet under the stairs. The kids won't go in there because it doesn't have a light and Will hates it because I throw everything in there and don't keep in organized. It's really a great hiding place. So once again I vow, I will finish my shopping early, I will finish my shopping early, but not before I eat my turkey.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Two Weeks, Two Days
Brandt finished his second week of school on Friday. He is having pretty good days and seems to be adjusting pretty well. He is making some new friends, enjoys seeing his old ones at lunch, recess and specials and is learning a few things in the process. A lot of the first two weeks is spent on processes, routines and evaluating learning levels. Thursday night was curriculum night and I always leave so impressed with Frisco ISD and the teachers they hire. I know we are going have a great year with Ms. Reed. Mommy may have to have a tutor to help with homework by the end of the year. This year we have spelling tests (my weakest subject - sometimes spellcheck can't even decipher what I was attempting to spell), math starts fractions and includes double digit addition and subtraction without regrouping. It's really just a fancy way of saying without borrowing, but it sounds pretty scary, right? He and his class wrote a fabulous shared story during Friday writing time.

Campbell finished her first week of school, which was two days. She had a great first day and Tuesday night asked how many nights she had to sleep before she went back. How many times do I sleep is her way to counting the passage of time right now. She made a new friend the first day and refers to her as the green one (she was wearing a green dress). Her name is Caroline. On Thursday she wore a different color dress. Campbell still called her the green one, but explained to me that she wasn't green today.
Thursday morning we got up, took B to school, came home and got Campbell ready. When we were all ready to go she said "Mommy, I'm ready for pictures." Since we took pictures before the first day, she seems to think we do that everyday before school.

So far she is doing well at school. She does not throw sand because that is not nice. She shares the dollhouse because we have to share toys. She was the Line Leader on Thursday and she LOVED that. Everyday she brings home a sheet about her day. There is a space with words about her day that the teacher can circle. Hers always has energetic, happy and helpful circled. On Thursday Miss Peggy wrote VERY above helpful. I can only imagine. Next week they start learning about letters, so she will actually get to learn something she does not already know.

Campbell finished her first week of school, which was two days. She had a great first day and Tuesday night asked how many nights she had to sleep before she went back. How many times do I sleep is her way to counting the passage of time right now. She made a new friend the first day and refers to her as the green one (she was wearing a green dress). Her name is Caroline. On Thursday she wore a different color dress. Campbell still called her the green one, but explained to me that she wasn't green today.
Thursday morning we got up, took B to school, came home and got Campbell ready. When we were all ready to go she said "Mommy, I'm ready for pictures." Since we took pictures before the first day, she seems to think we do that everyday before school.
So far she is doing well at school. She does not throw sand because that is not nice. She shares the dollhouse because we have to share toys. She was the Line Leader on Thursday and she LOVED that. Everyday she brings home a sheet about her day. There is a space with words about her day that the teacher can circle. Hers always has energetic, happy and helpful circled. On Thursday Miss Peggy wrote VERY above helpful. I can only imagine. Next week they start learning about letters, so she will actually get to learn something she does not already know.
All Jumped Out
Blake loves to stand up and would prefer standing to sitting and definitely to lying down. I can't hold him all the time and of course he can't stand by himself. He will stay in his Exersaucer for a little while, but he gets tired of it pretty quickly. We were having some pretty long days.
On Monday I drug his Jumperoo down stairs and put him in it. It took at few minutes for him to figure it out, but then he was pretty happy.

Each day he liked it a little more than the day before. On Friday I needed to run some errands and I put him down to jump and went to get ready. I was listening for the scream when he got bored and realized that I was completely ready and he was still playing. This is what what I found when I went to check on him.

Jumping is hard work!
On Monday I drug his Jumperoo down stairs and put him in it. It took at few minutes for him to figure it out, but then he was pretty happy.
Each day he liked it a little more than the day before. On Friday I needed to run some errands and I put him down to jump and went to get ready. I was listening for the scream when he got bored and realized that I was completely ready and he was still playing. This is what what I found when I went to check on him.
Jumping is hard work!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Campbell's First Day
Today was Campbell's first day of school. She woke up ready to go and did not understand why it was not time for her to go when we took Brandt to school. We came home and got her dressed, did her hair, packed her basket and were ready to go. She was really excited when we got there. She recognized the building as the church we went to last week and wanted to know if she was going to get bathtized again. She has this idea that you get bathtized ever time you go to church (Obviously we need to go a little more often).
She went right in and was excited to see her classroom. She was thrilled to see the dollhouse and immediately asked if she could play with it. She was annoyed that I wanted to take pictures and was taking away from her playtime. A couple of kids were crying and she just looked at them. She was fine with me leaving and happily gave me a kiss and waved bye. I think she is going to have a great day and is going to love this school.
She did tell me in the car this morning that she is not going to raise her hand because she is going to be the queen and so she doesn't have to. Miss Peggy may be in for a bit of a challenge.
The real fun started after I left her in her class and put Blake in the car. I put him in the back seat, put my bag (and keys and phone) in the front and closed the doors. As I walked around the car to get in, I heard click, click and knew it was the doors locking. Luckily it was only about 70 this morning, so I ran back to the directors office and had her call 911. By the time I got back to the parking lot, the Fire Department was already there. They started trying to get the door open and calling OnStar at the same time. Within five minutes OnStar had the doors open and Blake was fine, mad with sweaty feet, but fine. He started laughing as soon as I talked to him. It was quite an exciting morning for us. Right now I am loving OnStar and a few of Frisco's finest!

She went right in and was excited to see her classroom. She was thrilled to see the dollhouse and immediately asked if she could play with it. She was annoyed that I wanted to take pictures and was taking away from her playtime. A couple of kids were crying and she just looked at them. She was fine with me leaving and happily gave me a kiss and waved bye. I think she is going to have a great day and is going to love this school.
She did tell me in the car this morning that she is not going to raise her hand because she is going to be the queen and so she doesn't have to. Miss Peggy may be in for a bit of a challenge.
The real fun started after I left her in her class and put Blake in the car. I put him in the back seat, put my bag (and keys and phone) in the front and closed the doors. As I walked around the car to get in, I heard click, click and knew it was the doors locking. Luckily it was only about 70 this morning, so I ran back to the directors office and had her call 911. By the time I got back to the parking lot, the Fire Department was already there. They started trying to get the door open and calling OnStar at the same time. Within five minutes OnStar had the doors open and Blake was fine, mad with sweaty feet, but fine. He started laughing as soon as I talked to him. It was quite an exciting morning for us. Right now I am loving OnStar and a few of Frisco's finest!

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