Sunday, April 5, 2009

When Boys Play Girl Games

Tonight Campbell came downstairs with two Barbies looking for a playmate. Brandt agreed and for about a minute played by her rules. The next time I looked up, Campbell's Barbie was happily practicing her arabesque, pirouette and passe. Brandt's Barbie, on the other hand, promptly shot her with her hand, bent over and tooted on her and then flew away Superman style.
Campbell's Barbie still has perfect hair and all her clothes on. Brandt's Barbie's hair is now beyond help and her dress is pulled down to show off her chest.
Maybe next time I should be more willing to play Barbies with her! Some toys are just not for boys.


Anonymous said...

That was too FUNNY! I laughed out loud while I was reading it! How are you feeling?? You are due any day aren't you? Been thinking about! Take care!!

Mrs. Bushman said...

That cracked me up! Too funny!