Thursday, April 16, 2009

Party of Five

We are quickly settling into our new routines as a family of five. The kids are adjusting to Blake really well. They want to kiss and touch him all the time. Campbell does seem to need a little more mommy time, but I expected this. She was so accustomed to it being just the two of us all day, that I knew she was going to have the hardest time.
Time does seem to go really quickly. Even as I write this, Campbell is still wearing her nightgown. I brought her clothes downstairs hours ago but she is not inters ted in getting dressed. Hopefully we can get clothes on before we have to leave for carpool line! I don't think either of us have brushed our hair today. I know I meant to, but something else happened and I got sidetracked. We did manage to get Brandt to school on time, with his lunch and backpack, hair and teeth brushed and clean, matching clothes on (and I did not wear pjs), so I felt pretty accomplished!
Here are a few pictures from the past couple of days...

1 comment:

Mike and Mandy Turner said...

OH! MY! I am so excited for you Ms. Michele! Hope all is going well... you do such a cute job on your blog, always updating and seeing how everyone is doing. I love it! Miss ya and cannot wait to see baby Blake in June sometime... take care and send pics when you can....