I have to admit - I am not a big texter. I don't have a blackberry or even a phone with a keyboard and I just don't have the patience to type out messages with my number pad. It is so much easier to just make a phone call. I would love to have an iphone because they are just cool, but I have absolutely no need for one and I have a million other things that we could spend that money on. I do have a perfectly good phone that works just fine and serves its purpose. If I need to send or answer a text, I just have to take a little time.
All this leads me to our five and half year old kindergartner who is asking for a phone, preferably an iphone. Note above, I do NOT have an iphone. He has also discovered texting. In the last 24 hours, while he has been having a sleepover with his Oma, I have gotten 6 text messages from him. This is probably more texts than I have gotten this whole year! I know, it makes me the old, uncool mom. I knew this was coming, I just didn't think it would happen when he was in Kindergarten! And no he is not getting a phone - iphone or otherwise - quite yet. For now he will have to settle for using my MILs to send his texts. I can't wait for Campbell to figure this all out. Text messages from a three year old might send me over the edge!