Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some Days

This wasn't the post I intended to start 2011 with. It was supposed to be something witty and funny about my goals for the year, my reflections of last year, how I was going to blog more, blah, blah, blah. Here it is January 20 and I am typing a post on my phone because Blake will scream if I get on the computer and in a rare moment I have actually been able to wrestle the phone away from Blake and make him take a Yo Gabba Gabba break. He watches it continuously on my phone all day if I let him.
Today has been one of those days. Everyday is me against the kids and some days they win. I just have to know when to call the battle. Tonight Will took Brandt to basketball practice and I stayed home with Blake and Campbell. Campbell made up a song that included the lyrics "To the left, to left, to right, to right" and something about "Until the Daisy Dukes come out". I thought it was a real song until I asked her and she said she was making it up. I am too scared to hook up the Wii karaoke now. She doesn't need to learn actual songs! Blake sang back up by repeating right, right, right.
I finally gave up when I asked her to go put her pajamas on. She asked if it was bedtime and I said not for thirty more minutes. Her response? Rock and Roll!!
I surrender.
Happy New Year!

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