Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blake 1, Remotes 0

Blake is obsessed with remote controls. He will fight you for them. We have to keep them hidden of sight out at all times. If he can see them, even out of reach, he will point and scream for them. On Sunday door to our bedroom was open and Blake crawled in. He played for a little while and then came back out. Since he managed not to shut himself in, I did not go and check on him. Several hours later Will came out with the remote in hand and said, "Did you know this was in the toilet?"
Toilets are Blake's other favorite place to play, so we keep all of the bathroom doors shut (or so we thought).
Our bedroom remote will now sometimes turn the TV on and off, but no longer controls the receiver. Sometimes it doesn't do anything at all. Oh yeah, my keys are still missing (almost two weeks now). I guess there is always the chance that they were in the toilet too!

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