Blake is still developing at his own pace and doing his own thing. Sometime Saturday or Sunday his fifth tooth finally broke through. It is on top, the second on his right side. He has three on top and two on bottom now and he still bites really hard. I have little red marks and tiny bruises all over the bottom of my legs and my arms from his bites.
He prefers to eat big people food now rather than baby food. He will still let you feed him, but it better be something that you are eating or applesauce and not baby food or back out it comes. He loves, loves blueberries and can not get enough of them. Strawberries are his second favorite and mac and cheese and grilled cheese are right behind them. He is doing well with a sippy cup and most days is down to three bottles. I'm not sure we will give up bottles at 12 months like Brandt and Campbell did, but we'll work on it.
He is getting braver with pulling up and down. He is starting to take a step or two along the furniture, but is not really cruising yet. He will reach between the sofa and the table, if they are close enough together, but usually he still sits down and crawls. He still does not sleep well, but he is starting to take better naps. He also is starting to play better and entertain himself.
He is still the most curious of all three. He loves to explore and will crawl away and into other rooms by himself. He doesn't need to be in the same room like Brandt and Campbell always did and he is always into something. Doors must always be closed, magazines and books put away, cups out of reach, you name it, he will get into it. He is fascinated by cords of any type and will chew on any power cord he can get to. We spend a lot of playing chase. Brandt and Campbell are a huge help in carrying him back to his toys and prying the remote out of his hands. He's their Blakey baby too and they really love him. Here he is just being Blakey...
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