Friday, February 26, 2010


This has been a rough week. Blake's sleep habits leave quite a bit to be desired. He fights going to sleep at night and at every nap, which means there is at least ten minutes to screaming and kicking me in the ribs while I try to hold him still until he falls asleep. Then there are the nights. He sleeps for about five hours in his bed, but then he is up and I move him to our bed and he is a restless sleeper. Sometime between 3:00 and 5:30 he usually wakes up and wants a bottle and to play for about an hour.
New this week, he has decided that he hates to sit in the car and so he screams the whole time we wait in carpool line. 25 minutes of him screaming and Campbell telling him to stop - lots of fun.
Campbell is another story. Blake's demands means she gets much less attention than she deserves and needs so she has also been acting out. There has been lots of crying and whining. Anything can set her off, the wrong shoes, she can't find her bow, her bread is cut wrong...
Tonight everyone was asleep and I was both enjoying the quiet and dreading the night. I knew Blake would be up soon, I wasn't going to get to sleep well. I was catching up on FB and followed a link that a friend had posted. The story was a family who is losing their not yet two year old to stage four neuroblastoma. She probably won't make it through tonight. I read a little of the mom's blog and remembered I really do have a lot to be thankful for.
I'm going to say a prayer for their family and tonight when Blake wakes up, I'll hug him extra tight and go back to bed. He can scream all he wants tomorrow, I've just changed my perspective.

1 comment:

Rebecca Boenigk said...

I love you so much and you are such a wonderful mother. You are very right to have a new perspective and to be thankful for a happy healthy family. They grow up way too fast. Can't believe I am about to be an empty nester!!!