He had his check up on Tuesday and got a good report. There were no shots this time and for that, Mommy was very thankful. His ear infections from Christmas are all clear and his cough is almost gone - the miracles of amoxicillin.
He weighed in at 20 pounds, 10 ounces and is 29 inches long. He is 55th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. He is still the smallest of the three, but an above average size baby. His head is 18", which is 65th percentile. He also has the smallest head.
29 inches means that it is time to move from the baby car seat to the big boy car seat. I've been both dreading and looking forward to the move. I'm going to miss the ease of having him the baby carrier and being able to keep him in it all time. It's so easy if he is asleep to grab him out of the car and go. He is trapped when we are on the go and has to stay in one place. I don't have to worry about him scooting away. I am not, however, going to miss carrying 30 pounds of carrier and baby!
Yesterday he got his fourth tooth. It is the second one on top and it is on his left side. Now he has two on top and two on bottom and he bites hard!
He is still a picky eater. No green vegetables at all. He will eat all of the orange ones - carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, but no peas or green beans. He loves most fruits, except bananas. He is doing better and better at eating table food and is starting to get the hang of feeding himself. He still gets more puffs on the floor and in his chair than in his mouth, but he tries really hard! He also likes pieces of toast, crackers and loves french fries - especially Chick A Lay! He is working on sippy cups, but mostly bites on them for now.
Here are Brandt and Campbell's stats at nine months:
Weight: 21 pounds, 13 ounces - 85th percentile
Length: 29 3/4 inches - 90th percentile
Head: 18 7/8" - 95th+ percentile
Weight: 21 pounds, 4 ounces - 88th percentile
Length: 29 1/4" - 95th percentile
Head: 18 1/4" 95th percentile
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