At seven months, Brandt had six teeth, was sitting really well and of course he had all that hair!
Campbell had no teeth, was pulling up and standing and had hardly any hair. She loved her binkie so much we clipped it to her clothes. She just gave that binkie up two weeks ago.

Blake has one tooth, doesn't really sit and has a little hair. He does scoot around on his tummy pretty well and he can scream and grunt like nobody's business.
Brandt slept through the night at about six weeks, Campbell most nights at about nine months, but was only waking up once after about four months. At seven months, Blake still gets up every four to five hours. Brandt and Campbell both slept in their own rooms from day one and Campbell didn't even have a baby monitor because she could scream (she still can). Blake still sleeps in our room and after about 3:00 am, sleeps in our bed (something I said I would NEVER do!)
I wonder what he will be doing at one year?
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