Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Bad Apple

After school today, Campbell came in with a green apple and asked me if it was a bad apple. I looked at it and it looked fine, so I told her she could eat it. I assumed she was asking because occasionally fruit does not get rotated to the top of our bowl and gets a little yucky sitting at the bottom.
After dinner she brought me her bible and asked me to read to her. I was loading the dishwasher and promised to read as soon as I was finished. She sat down and started to look at the pictures. She started at the beginning and found the picture of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden apple. She brought it back to me and said "See Mommy here is a bad apple." Genesis 3:1-24 was her chapel lesson last Thursday. Not only is she listening at school, she is also learning!

Her bible is another story. She went to church on bible day and decided she wanted to get a bible. Knowing my answer for most things she asks for right now is either Put it on your Christmas List or Maybe for your birthday, she asked Bobby and Rebecca to buy her one. Now all three of our children have their own. (I would have bought it for her).

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