This week in science Brandt's class has been studying matter. Thursday night his homework was to list three example of of matter in each of its three states. In case you need to brush up on your first grade science, here is the definition of matter:
Matter has mass and takes up space. It exists in the in the form of solids, liquids, or gases.
Brandt and I do his homework together at the kitchen table, but what that really means is I sit with him and he does it. I try to help him as little as possible. I will help him with words if he gets stuck reading the instructions and I will help him think through a problem to get to the answer, but I make him come up with the answers on his own.
The solids part of this was pretty easy for him. He chose ice, a play block and after we discussed its properties, meat. Liquids were even easier. He listed milk, water and joose (juice). They are working on stretching out words to hear all of the sounds, but still primarily use sound spelling and I don't correct it.
The last category was gases and air was easy for him and after a little thought, smoke. A third example was a little harder for him. We talked about what comes in balloons that makes them float, but he didn't want to sound out helium. We talked about the other detector that we have in the house, but he didn't think that carbon dioxide was a good answer. I let him think about it own for a little while and after some thought, he told me he had an answer.
"Are toots a gas?" He is 6, so how can I argue that one? So that's how he turned it in. I have to sign the sheet at the end of the week to say that we did each days homework and I wrote Ms. Reed a little note that toots were NOT my idea :). I got a smiley face back from her - she's been teaching first grade for a while.
He did learn the difference between the three states of matter and on Friday they made ice cream as an experiment in how matter can change states.