Somewhere along the way she decided that the cake and presents were worth turning three for and conceded to giving up being two and the binkies that went with it. She is now proud to be three and is telling anyone who will listen. We are down to binkies only for sleeping, although she begs for them when she is tired, mad or gets hurt , we are having pretty good days. If I remind her they are only for night, she tells me "that is not good idea!" when she really wants one. It is a little harder since she knows exactly which cabinet they are in and also knows where to look for long lost and forgotten ones. We have had a couple of meltdowns with her in front of the kitchen cabinet yelling binkie and jumping up and down - truly a video moment!
She had her three year check up on Tuesday and has grown 3 inches since last year! She is 70th percentile for both height and weight and on track for everything else. Her leg has healed fine, I had to remind the doctor which one was broken because she has already regained almost all of the lost muscle. Her limp has completely corrected itself and Dr. Diaz was thrilled, since it has only been two weeks since we took her boot off. Overall a great checkup!
As promised, here are a few pictures...
1 comment:
Love your blog! I love keeping up with you guys!
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