Friday, May 20, 2011

She's A Graduate!

Okay she's a PreK graduate, but there was a ceremony and a certificate and a reception after.  She even wore a little cap!

All lined up and ready to go

With Ms. Erin, her teacher

Fast Track

A couple of weeks ago I had my last parent-teacher conference with Campbell's teacher, Ms. Erin.  We went over all the things she has learned this year and compared her checklist with our previous conference to see progress.  We also discussed Kindergarten readiness.  There is no question that she is ready to go to Kindergarten.  She has mastered everything on the readiness checklist except knowing our phone number.  When Brandt went to Kindergarten, your phone number was something they learned the first month of school.  They also had nap time after lunch and that is gone now too.  How things change in three years!!
I decided this morning we would start to work on learning our phone number.  We could work on 214 for a week or so and then add 705, etc...  So we talked about it and I asked her if she knew our phone number.  I asked her to repeat 214.  She did a couple of times and then said I know what comes next - 605.  Almost - it is 705.  So we moved on.  She is now dancing around the house, clapping out 214-705.  So glad I thought we needed the summer to learn this.