Sunday, August 30, 2009

Girls Will Be Girls, Even At Three

Friday Campbell had her BFF Brooklyn over to play. They played upstairs and they get along so well that I did not have to check on them very often. I could hear them giggling and talking and having a great time. Every so often I did peak to see what they were up to. Once they were in the play house, once they were playing babies, a couple of times they were playing Littlest Pet Shop. One time they were playing babies on Brandt's top bunk and I did have to make them get down and go back to Campbell's room. Overall they were having fun and being little girls.
Later in the day I decided to take them to Chick Fil A for lunch before I took Brooklyn home and went to pick B up from school. When I went to tell them to get ready, I found them playing sisters, complete with Brooklyn wearing Campbell's clothes. There were several discarded outfits on the floor. Apparently she had been trying on Campbell's clothes and modeling them. Sure, I remember how cool it was to share clothes, but I thought this wasn't supposed to start until about 7th grade! Not at 3 1/2. I guess girls will always be girls and these two are definitely two little girly girls!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today we tried cereal for the first time. I was supposed to wait until Blake was five months old (September 7th), so we are a couple of weeks early. He just seems so hungry and wants to eat every couple of hours. He also does not sleep well during during the day(or anytime). At this point, I'm willing to try anything.
He loved the cereal and ate it really well. Much more in the mouth than on the bib! Afterwards he slept for an hour.

I love my cereal!

This bib is pretty fun too

Maybe I can eat it too!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Grade!

Brandt started first grade on Monday. So far his reports have been that he had a medium day and a good day. Ms. Reed has said that he had a great day each day. He has seen all of his friends from Mrs. Webb's class and is starting to make new friends in his new class. He is loving having Max in his class. I have been packing a special lunch for him (Max has allergies) and he has gotten to sit with Max everyday.
We all went to school together on Monday and dropped him off and after school went with Max's family for their first day of school tradition and got ice cream. I think about half of Frisco had the same idea, as the line at Cold Stone was out the door! Getting back to our routine is a little difficult, but we will get the hang of it.

Ready for the first day

Being silly with the Sistie

Walking In

Ms. Reed's Class

His Table

Max and B at Meet the Teacher Night

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ms. Reed

Our First Grade teacher is Ms. Reed. Brandt is pretty excited. There are so many Kindergarten classes this year that three first grade classes were moved to the second grade pod to make room and we are one, so he feels pretty big! They also have real desks instead of tables, which was pretty exciting for him.
Ms. Reed is one of the two Gifted and Talented Cluster teachers for first grade. I am not really sure what that means, but it can't be a bad thing. We only have one friend from last year in our class, but it is one of his best buddies, so he is really happy!
Earlier today he told me he just can't wait for school to start - neither can I!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin...

Okay really it was just one roll from his tummy to his back Tuesday night, but he did roll over. Blake hates to be on his stomach, so it may be awhile before he does it again, but he can roll over.
Blake also had his four month check up last week. He weighs 15 pounds, 10 ounces and is 26 1/2 inches long. He is up to 70th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. Comparatively, Brandt was 17 pounds 6 ounces and 27 1/2 inches and Campbell was 15 pounds, 13 ounces and 25 1/2 inches. He is still our smallest baby, but he is getting tall and you wouldn't think he is small to look at him. People ask me how old he is all time when we are out and are always so surprised when I say four months.
He has to move out of the baby carseat at 30" long and I am so not looking forward to that. It's so easy to have him in it. He grew 2 3/4" between his two and four month check ups, I hope he slows down a little!

Tomorrow we get to go and meet Brandt's FIRST GRADE teacher and drop off supplies. I am not sure who is more excited.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Show Some Respect

When I was little and you saw a funeral procession, I was taught you pulled over and waited for it to pass.
This morning I attended the funeral of the mother of one of my very dear friends. As we drove from Bedford to the cemetery in downtown Fort Worth, I was surprised at first at how few people bothered to pull over. As we continued to drive and got to some of the smaller towns in between, more and more people were pulling over. Some did not even pull over, they simply stopped in the middle of the lane and waited for us to pass.
Is it because I live in a big city that it people don't do this anymore? Do people not know you are supposed pull over as a sign of respect? Next time you see a funeral procession, pull over. The five or ten minutes it takes you won't a difference, but it will mean something to that family. And one day it will mean something when someone does it for your family.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Yeah, we think he's pretty great!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And Just Like That She's Gone

Rachel moved back to College Station today. We were so lucky that she spent the summer with us. The kids had a great time getting Slurpees and snowcones with her. Campbell and I had some great girl days while she bonded with Blake and she was my lifesaver in Brandt's carpool line when Blake was first born. The kids are really going to miss playing tag with her and Beth. Brandt is not going to know what to do without his roommate. We loved having her here. I hope she had some fun too! Come back anytime Rachel!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pushing Their Luck

As our summer winds down I am trying to make each day count and plan fun things for the kids to do. We have lots of lunches and swimming and playdates with their friends.
Today was two hours at the spray park, lunch from Sonic and then I had promised them we would buy school supplies. We finished our lunch and headed off Target. Any trip to Target requires a preface that we are there to buy whatever is on my list, but NO TOYS. We got most of the supplies, a couple of things that Campbell did not need and only had three arguments over things that were not on the list. Much to Brandt's dismay, big pink erasers, large three ring binders and compasses are not the first grade supply list. Somehow Campbell convinced me that a calculator and purple scissors were going to be on the PK3 list (I'm pretty sure that's what we pay a supply fee for). After all this, I considered our day complete (so did Blake), and we went home.
And then it started. If I said In a minute, B asked how many? If I said no to a snack, he waited 5 minutes and got it without asking. If I was feeding Blake, he needed his snack opened and there was plenty of whining to go with it. I'm running out of patience and my favorite warning to him is your pushing your luck.
Later while they were in the bath, I noticed something white in the drain of my sink. When I asked him about it, he tried to convince me it was soap, but he is not a good liar. Turns out, he stuffed part of the crust from his pizza roll from dinner down my bathroom sink. Patience gone, out of luck, kids in bed. And no, my sink does not drain right now. Two more weeks, two more weeks...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ballet Pics Version 2

Today we got our recital pictures from the photographer.

Our Sweet Ballerina

Our Ballet Class

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sound Spelling and the Computer

In Kindergarten you learn to use sound spelling. It's sort of like hieroglyphic phonics with no vowels and only kindergarten teachers can read it. Brandt has really improved his spelling skills this summer (mostly because I refuse to spell things for him and make him sound them out). He can spell pretty well, when he wants to and when he thinks about it and takes his time. If he is not concentrating I get things like this:
I am sad and I dot wat to tak uh bawt it.

I read this as something about not wanting to take a bath. Turns out, he didn't want to talk about it. You can see how I might be a little confused.

Now the computer. Both of our kids love to play on the computer and we restrict their access to sites like Noggin, Nick Jr, Disney Playhouse, Webkinz, Starfall...
I always turn the computer on, log into the internet and find the website for them. After that I didn't worry too much because the sites we allowed them on were safe. Yesterday I went into the study to find Brandt on Google searching for a lock box. See his above spelling skills and you can imagine what kind of results he was getting when he typed in lok box and skrt box (secret box). What he wanted was a box with a lock that he could put his treasures and secrets in. What he got was grounded from the computer until we can install Net Nanny. And we are practicing spelling more than ever! I did let him go on the computer today, with the very strict instructions that he could not leave the website he was playing on under any circumstances. He did as told under the fear of loosing his iPod.
Two weeks, two days...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yeah, I took her to McDonald's like that...

They make a lot of nosie when you walk, but only people without kids looked at me funny :)