Friday, July 31, 2009

The Little Red Swing

When Brandt was a baby, our friends gave a red Fisher Price swing as a gift. This swing has been through two houses, three kids and now hangs on our swing set. Yesterday Campbell decided her red swing could be Blake's.




Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is Summer Over Yet?

While my friends who teach savor each precious day with their children, the rest of us are asking "Is it over yet?!" I never thought I would be ready for school to start, but I need a break! I am running out of ways to entertain these kids. This morning before 8:30 we had already had two fights over the computer, one fight over what to watch on tv and Brandt was officially bored. We had only been up since 7:30, so that might have been a record.
I don't think I can hear "I'm bored", "there is nothing to do" or the best one "he's talking to me" again. I am very sure that I never want to see another episode of Sponge Bob or Yo Gabba, Gabba. I might even be tired of the mall. All of this is probably my fault for not scheduling enough camps and activities, but I thought we would have a fun summer of swimming and playing and now I've learned my lesson.
I know when the time comes I will be sad to send B off to first grade and little Campbell off to preschool. Hopefully Blake will be sleeping by then and we can have a little fun!
Until then we are off to Pirate McDonalds to play with our friends...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Best Big Sistie

Sistie is what she calls herself.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Music Dilemma

The kids love the listen to the radio in the car and I often hear "turn that up" from the back seat. Kate Perry's Hot N' Cold is one of their favorites.
Most of the time my radio stays on XM because you can't beat commercial free right? I am careful to switch the station if the song might be inappropriate and mostly when Brandt and Campbell are in the car we listen to Mix 22.
Then came Brandt's iPod. We simply downloaded Will's itunes (without editing) and gave it to him. All 730 something songs. He and Campbell have always loved the Girlfriend song (Avril Lavigne - the edited version). Now he also loves Shake Your Rump.
Last week he asked to download a song. He knew what it was called and everything. It was the Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow. Great for a 6 year old, right?
The only thing better than that was to hear Campbell singing from the back seat "hush girl, shut your lips, do the Helen Keller, and talk with your hips", while Ryan and I drove to dinner. Yes, she knew all the words. I had to go home and ask Rachel who even sang the song. (3OH!3, if you are wondering).
To top it all off, on the way home from a birthday party, Brandt asks me if I know the song that goes "Nah, Nah, Nah, Birthday and a really bad word?" I don't, but I knew which song he was talking about. He assured me that he sings it "Birthday text, you know, like you are sending someone a text message, Mom." Great, I feel so much better. Where are you hearing this?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baking Fun

Both Campbell and Brandt love to help in the kitchen. They set the table, crack the eggs, mix the lemonade, whatever anyone will let them do.
Inspired by a few too many episodes of Amazing Wedding Cakes and the 100+ degree temperatures, Campbell and I decided to bake cookies. I think the pictures speak for themselves...

This is the picture on William Sonoma's Box

These are our cookies

A pastry chef, I am not. They tasted great though, and we had a lot of fun!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Week In College Station

We spent the last week with our family in College Station. We were lucky enough to see a few friends while we were there too! We had tons of fun...

We learned to swim

and swim

and swim

Until we were so tired

We hung out with our friends

and family

Got polish

Helped make dinner

Had drinks with our cousins (of course it had water in it!)

and on Sunday the kids got "Bathtized"

with our family and closest friends

What a great week!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Tooth Witch is Coming!

And she better bring lots of money! On Sunday Brandt lost his first, and then second tooth. In three hours time he went from a very loose tooth and a kind of loose tooth, to two teeth in a jar.
Campbell is convinced the tooth witch, not the tooth fairy, is coming to visit.


And Two